Wednesday, September 26, 2012


If I haven't made it obvious enough yet, my favorite place to shop would be J. Crew. Shopping in general is a wonderful happy activity to do. J. Crew may be my favorite place, but I also have a few other places that I like to do my browsing. Bloomingdales and Saks (aka the Mother Ship) of course.

My favorite part of shopping is when I am shopping for something specific, like a dress. I spend most of my day shuffling down every isle of the store, touching every hanger, until finally I find the dress that was meant for me. It's in my size and I can't wait to try it on. In the dressing room, I slip into the dress... When its the perfect fit I have to do a little twirl in front of the mirror. I can't help but smile because I have found the dress for me.

Another scenario of shopping that I like is:
I'm online shopping and I found the best dress and it's in my size. Then I go to the store and find it in the right color and size. I hold my prize in my hand and take it back to the dressing room to try it on. But then all of the sudden... It doesn't fit or the dress just looks better on the hanger. So what do I have to do? SHUFFLE. And after shuffling, I find a dress that is just as good as the dress that I had found online. I try that dress on and it look way better than the previous dress. The dress is the perfect color and the perfect fit. So (my point is) sometimes you may find the perfect dress whether you are walking through a store and find a pretty dress on a pretty hanger or your online shopping, but it turns out it wasn't perfect. Don't give up!! Go out there and shuffle or scroll your mouse more! A mistake could always lead to the dress you were meant to be with all along. Struggling while shopping can be very annoying, but I love the feeling of after searching for that piece of clothing for so long and you finally find it. Its like finding hidden treasure.

And when you have made your purchase, I always enjoy carrying around my shopping bag, it makes me feel cool. Having the Saks or J.Crew bag hang from my arm, in my hand I have a coffee or a fancy water bottle, and on my shoulder my cutest purse, I like to pretend that I am a celebrity, ready for her close up for People Magazine (Lol). I like to make my shopping experience in my mind fun!

Whenever I buy a piece of clothing or shoe, the minute I get home I have to try it on. I have to make sure it still fits, so then I can take the tags off. And if it fits, the tags come off, and I put on whatever I bought and I will wear it for the rest of the day. Wearing new clothes is so much fun to me. Its a new look and its always fun to wear something that no one has seen on you.

So what's your favorite store to shop at?? Comment as anonymous by clicking on comments below! (I know it's really  hard to comment on this blog, so sorry)

If the Fashion Empress makes it to 500 page views I'll be going to YouTube. Vlogging about fashion and making fun girly videos!! If you can check out Stilababe09 on YouTube, she is my inspiration. My videos I am planning on making will be like her's. But don't worry I will keep blogging!

Thank you all you Fashionistas who have been reading and sharing this blog with your friends! It means so much to me.

xoxo the Fashion Empress

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